Certified Bravehearts Mentors




AASAT Certified:  Sex Addiction, Partner Betrayal Trauma, Partner Recovery, and Intimacy Anorexia

Certified Professioinal Mentors

Helping you mend what sexual addiction has broken

Mended Mentors


Gender specific groups can accelerate your healing by giving you a voice in a safe & private place. Talking about your situation allows you to gain insight from others in the same struggles. You are not alone! 

Online weekly for 1 hour. 8 or less people per group.

Wives' Groups with Susan (Eastern Time Zone)

Thursdays 7:30 pm

Saturdays 9:00 am

Men's Groups with Kenny (Eastern Time Zone)

Thursdays 8:00 pm

Saturdays 7:30 am


who have been broken by sexual addiction & want to rebuild trust, love, respect, intimacy & FUN in your marriage. Let us guide you through the steps that worked to bring healing and restoration to us. 

Meet together online or in person as a couple with both Kenny & Susan once a week for 1 hour. 


who are spouses/significant others of men who are sexually addicted. We will deal with betrayal trauma, triggers, how/when to trust, being sexual (or not) and what steps to take next. This is NOT your fault, but you can find a 'new normal' that brings healing to your wounded heart! Meet online with Susan once a week for one hour.


who struggle with unwanted sexual behaviors such as pornography use, sexual fantasies, masturbation, and other forms of acting out. Are you ready to defeat this once and for all? You will be guided through a curriculum geared to help you find real freedom. Meet with Kenny online or by phone once a week for one hour. 

Who Needs Mentoring?

Guiding Your Journey With

INTEGRITY          VULNERABLITY          HONESTY          EMPATHY         

SAFETY          HOPE          FAITH          

AASAT: Sex Addiction, Partner Betrayal Trauma,                  Partner Recovery, and Intimacy Anorexia

Certified Professioinal Bravehearts Mentors

We are Kenny & Susan Smith, from Knoxville, Tennessee. We have been married for over 40 years, most of which had very little emotional intimacy. God has worked dramatically by giving Kenny freedom from his pornography addiction and Susan the grace and courage to stay and fight for their relationship. We still have areas in which we need growth, but we are closer to each other than we've ever been. We have found what we both had always longed for: freedom, connection & intimacy. 

In addition to mentoring, we are available for speaking.

Kenneth D Smith


AASAT certified: 


Certified Professional Mentor

Susan M Smith

AASAT certificates in:


Certified Professioinal Mentor


I am an avid reader and love to travel. Football (from the recliner) is my favorite sport. Unlike Susan, I am an introvert who found intimacy to be terrifying and unachievable for most of my life. I am married to the amazing woman you just read about and have the same wonderful children and pets. I served as a full-time pastor for over 17 years and as a finance manager in auto dealerships for over 20 years. I have also served as an elder in two churches and as an interim pastor on three occasions. 

From adolescence until March 2015, I struggled with lust, masturbation and sexual fantasies, culminating in a full blown addiction to pornography with the arrival of broadband internet. I cried out to God continuously over all those years to take away my struggle but nothing changed because I continued to keep my sexual struggles a secret from everyone. My reputation was my idol and I dared not let anyone know about my failures because I was convinced they would reject me. 

When my wife caught me that fateful morning, I finally witnessed the hurt I had caused her and began to seek help for my addiction. God directed us to many wonderful resources and I joined an online group to finally come out of isolation. Today I am walking in freedom and have a deep desire to help others know this same freedom. I am living proof that freedom is possible after 45 years of slavery and my wife and I are living proof that a marriage can be restored and thrive even after the damage of sexual betrayal.

Meet Your Mentors


Hello Friend, Thanks for dropping by our website to learn more about Mended Mentors! A bit of background on me: I am an extrovert and love connecting with people! I have worked from home in the skincare/cosmetic direct sales industry for 25+ years. I was a volunteer counselor at our local Crisis Pregnancy Center for 13 years. We have celebrated over 44 years of marriage, and I can honestly say I still love (and like) my husband, actually more than ever! Two amazing daughters and 1 incredible son-in-law call me Mom, and if my 2 dogs could talk, they would, too. I love all kinds of animals and usually end up rescuing a couple of wild animals each summer. (Recently it was 4 baby bunnies and 3 fledgling bluebirds. I have also fought snakes off of 2 birdnests!)

In March of 2015 I found out my husband (a Christian and pastor) was addicted to pornography. My comfortable life imploded and I was left in an emotional heap of rubble. Shocked, angry, and crushed I felt like I was living a bad dream. I came within inches of leaving my husband. At that time, I could not even imagine getting past this, or ever respecting my husband enough to have a happy “normal” marriage again. What God has done for us is nothing short of a miracle! Our relationship has not just been restored to what we had before, but transformed into the relationship of intimacy and deep love I had only wished for all those years before. Now I want to help others out of their heaps of rubble and give them hope. I want to help YOU find real healing, growth and even thriving that only our Lord can give. No matter what your husband chooses, you can find healing.


One-to-One Mentoring: 

$399 monthly for 1 hour/week

$199 for spouse of 1st paying mentee

Groups included for free with 1-to-1 registration

Small Group Mentoring:

$49 monthly for 1 hour/week

Price adjustments can be made based on need. 

Scholarships Now Available!

Roadmap To Recovery

Affordable Mentoring

No Travel Required

Get a personalized roadmap to your healing and freedom. We have walked this journey and understand what you are facing and the pain you feel. Whether you are the one who struggles or the one who has been wounded, you deserve to be heard and understood in a non-judgmental, safe and caring place.

We mentor men, women and couples from around the world through our secure and private online virtual meeting rooms. 

'In-person' sessions available in the Knoxville, TN area. 

'When life, as you knew it, falls apart, that is the time you need someone to come alongside you to help you navigate the trauma. I’ve learned that the best person for this job is not only someone who has lived the same trauma, but has also done the hard work to survive it. Susan Smith was that person for me. Her Triage curriculum is the perfect material to walk you through the process of recovery.' ~Jenna, MD

“When I discovered my husband’s porn addiction, I was completely devastated and lost. Susan’s Triage material helped me through one of the worst times of our 30+ year marriage. I was able to achieve healing in a way I never thought possible. It was intense and emotionally draining at times, but Susan was able to incorporate God’s amazing Word with the information on porn addiction that allowed me to give my husband what he needed, not what I thought he deserved at the moment. We will forever be thankful for the quick help Susan and Kenny offered to us.” ~Linda, MN

“Susan has written Triage from the heart, as one who has experienced betrayal trauma and overcome it. Triage is a lifeline! Working through all the lessons helped me process my own trauma…from pain and anger, to hope and healing for my soul.” ~Pauline, South Africa

“This (Triage) curriculum helped me to see how to make my way to healing on this journey of betrayal trauma I never asked to be on. It not only helped me heal, but to thrive to be the Warrior Princess I am today.” ~Jennifer, WA

'My husband and I have taken the opportunity to talk with both Susan and Kenny Smith with Mended Mentors. They shared so much knowledge and wisdom that helped them get through the brokenness in their own lives. I was comfortable telling my story to Susan and she listened with compassion and understanding. My husband felt no condemnation talking with Kenny and the communication was great. They both are very informative and have a passion to reach out to help others. We all need someone to talk to when our pain seems unbearable. This couple works together as a team to put hope back in marriages and to teach what they know. Thank you Susan and Kenny for sharing your knowledge!' ~Sheila, LA 

'Kenny's support in my journey has been exceptional. He has contributed so much wisdom to me and my wife. What I love the most about Kenny is his willingness to share the truth (that I often want to avoid) in love. Additionally, the accountability calls that we have are Holy Spirit driven, convicting, and gracious. Kenny's heart is in the right place for this ministry, and the love of Jesus shines bright through his continued support of me and my wife in this journey.' ~James, FL


“Kenny has a compassionate heart for people who are hurting due to the harmful effects of sexual addiction, because he knows firsthand the damage it does.  But he also knows how joyous living in freedom is because of God’s incredible love for us, and wants to come alongside those who are needing encouragement.  He is a tremendous listener and has spoken truth into my life many times. Thanks, my friend.“  ~Don, CA



(865) 235-1495

Knoxville, Tennessee